Docteur Kadoch

Gynécologue Accoucheur à Paris.

Chirurgien, Obstétricien.


I have been breastfeeding for some time now and my breast hurts. Why is this happening and what should I do?

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You must consult a doctor to find the cause for this pain and treat it so you can continue breastfeeding in the best conditions.

Possible causes are:

-The pain of early suckling: physiological, it will disappear merely by correcting the position of the baby and its mother during breastfeeding.

-Crevices or cracks in the nipple: in addition to correct positioning, treatment involves giving the baby the painless breast to give local treatment to the nipple (disinfection, massage cream healing and prevention of maceration). The pain can be treated with paracetamol.

-Acute lymphangitis of the breast you need to rest, while continuing the breastfeeding which is essential for relieving congestion in the breast. Local treatment is supplemented by local anti-inflammatories (Osmogel, application of ice) and massages to the areola. The pain can be treated with ibuprofen and paracetamol, also effective for the fever

-Breast abscess: it requires emergency hospitalization for surgical and antibiotic treatment . Breastfeeding is interrupted for three weeks. Meanwhile, a breast milk pump helps to relieve both breasts.