Docteur Kadoch

Gynécologue Accoucheur à Paris.

Chirurgien, Obstétricien.


Medically assisted procreation (MAP)


The term medically assisted procreation includes all the methods or techniques based on the manipulation of reproductive cells (gametes) that will allow infertile couples to conceive a child. Bioethical laws dating from July 29, 2004 govern these techniques.

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Couple infertility

Introduction - Definitions:

It is necessary to clarify the nuances of vocabulary that can be used at times in the current language about the problems linked to conception. To understand more clearly:

- Infertility (infertility)), is the difficulty for a couple to have a child.

-Sterility, , is itself, the inability of a couple to have a child. Unlike infertility, it is irreversible. A couple can only be categorized as sterile at the end of their reproductive life!

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